
Harbour Update – posted 03/05/18

A chance encounter at 7:50am of an Osprey flying over the Sherford Bridge road heading towards the harbour allowed us to track it all the way to the Wareham Channel and then finally to Arne where a good enough view was obtained to see it was un-ringed. There was also a gathering of 6 Hobby over the Arne Road, Slepe Heath area at midday. At Swineham there were 23 Whimbrel in the fields behind ‘Curlews cottage’ and a Cuckoo was calling next to the B&B. At Lytchett Bay a Grasshopper Warbler was singing behind the waterworks at the end of Slough Lane and 5 Whimbrel were on Lytchett Fields. On the Brownsea Lagoon the Common Terns have finally taken to the breeding islands in front of the hides giving us a great opportunity to stream live footage in to our Birds of Poole Harbour HQ on Poole Quay.

Common Terns displaying on the Brownsea Lagoon via our BoPH HQ webcam on Poole Quay

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