
Harbour Update – posted 20/12/19

Middlebere supported 2 Spotted Redshank, 220 Avocet, 70+ Knot, 50 Curlew, c300 LapwingKingfisher, 32 Dunlin, 1 Greenshank, 2 Grey Plover and 30 Redshank. Among the 19 Dark-bellied Brent Goose feeding in the field next to Middlebere hide were two Pale-bellied. A ringtail Hen Harrier and female Merlin were hunting over Hartland Moor.

Hamworthy Park boasted 5 Sandwich Tern on old pier late morning, while 3 Great Northern Diver off Baiter. Despite a relatively weak neap tide, today’s low tide Holes Bay Guided Walk featured wonderful views of c100 Avocet, c500 Dunlin, c800 Wigeon and Grey Wagtail, along with a scattering of Black-tailed GodwitRedshankTealShoveler and Pintail.

Yesterday saw a Siberian Chiffchaff on the edge of Wareham Common south of Wareham Bypass. It was on the ditch by the River Piddle at the foot of North West Walls, about 100 metres west of North Mill.

View From Holes Bay Guided Walk – Alison Copland

Greenshank – Batier Park – Ian Ballam

Siberian Chiffchaff – Wareham Common – Trevor Warrick

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