
Harbour Update – posted 29/10/19

Sightings were a bit thin on the ground today, with Wareham Common and Swineham some of the few areas covered. The floods next to Wareham Bypass on Wareham Common held 2 Egyptian Goose and 163 Black-tailed Godwit. There was a Grey Wagtail at North Mill. On the Big Pit at Swineham there were 4 Pochard and 1 Pintail, but no sign of the Phalarope.

There was also no sign of the Phalarope on the pools, however, there were three species of wader on the Curlews Pool namely Lapwing 7, Curlew 10 and 4 Black-tailed Godwit. On Stilt pool there were 160 Canada Goose and a single Black-tailed Godwit.

Outside the recording area a Pomerine Skua flew past Durlston Country Park and a Hoopoe was also reported.

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