
Harbour Update – posted 01/10/19

The miserable morning weather didn’t put off some, birding from a vehicle at Baiter Park produced a reasonable Turnstone flock of c20 birds around the slipway, also 4 Ringed Plover and the first 2 Rock Pipit of the autumn. A minimum of 5 Marsh Harrier were seen quartering along the Wareham Channel once the heavy showers passed this morning. Hyde’s Heath featured 3 Hobby chasing one another and another individual was spotted amongst the hirundine flow on Hartland Moor. A juvenile Peregrine was perched on a gatepost towards the Ridge end of the Moors and a single Osprey was observed crossing the Channel from Middlebere.

An Osprey was seen hunting over Lytchett Bay this morning before landing in tree and being mobbed by a Magpie. Meanwhile Lytchett Fields recorded 2 Knot and c15 Black-tailed Godwit. The several Grey Plover that arrived on Brownsea Lagoon recently were still present.

Turnstones – Baiter Park

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