
Harbour Update – posted 27/09/19

The strong westerlies today may seem a little disruptive (with boat trips to Brownsea Island cancelled) but the conditions also make for excellent birding opportunities. Outside of the Harbour’s recording area a Sabine’s Gull was observed off Hengistbury Head and a Long-tailed Skua from Mudeford, Christchurch.

Scarce migrants are certainly passing through the harbour, so now’s a great time to check a local patch! Ospreycontinue to pass through the Harbour with sightings coming in from Lytchett Bay, Holton Pools and Shiptal point, Arne. The individual at Lytchett was first spotted in a dead tree opposite French’s Viewpoint. Other notable sightings at the site included 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Ruff, 4 Green Sandpiper, 4 Greenshank, 1 Marsh Harrier and 1 Sparrowhawk.

Turnstone and a single Swallow was recorded at Sandbanks while a Marsh harrier was seen hunting over Slepe Moor this morning. The Poole Harbour Spoonbill flock continues to build, today recorded the highest count of the autumn with 50 individuals logged at Shipstal, Arne.

Marsh Harrier – Slepe Moor – Simon Kidner

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