
Harbour Update – posted 14/09/19

With mild 5mph winds it’s felt warmer than the high of 19°C in the Harbour today. There has been a continued passage of Meadow Pipit and Hirundines (SwallowsSand Martin and House Martin) passing over the harbour in large numbers.

Spectators at Holten Lee were lucky enough to watch 2 Osprey hunting over the pools and 2 Marsh Harrierwere also quartering over the area.  Osprey were also logged at Middlebere and Lytchett Fields. Singles of LittleStintLittle Ringed PloverSpotted RedshankCommon SandpiperGreen Sandpiper and some Greenshank 3 Whinchat and a pair of Ruff were also seen at Lytchett Fields.

Brownsea Lagoon is seeing increased numbers of Autumn waders with 29 Spoonbill, c45 Avocet, 32 Greenshank recorded in addition to 4 Little Egret, a Green Woodpecker and several Shoveler.

Cattle Egret is still present over at Swineham in addition to a Sedge WarblerReed WarblersChiffchaffand Swallows. A Merlin was also recorded flying over Lytchett Matravers.

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