
Harbour Update – posted 13/10/24

With super calm conditions all day and yesterdays obvious arrival of birds, it was no surprise multiple Yellow-browed Warblers were logged today with a minimum of 3 seen including singles at South Haven at Studland, Middlebere and yesterdays Broadstone bird was still at Hillborne Copse. At Middlebere the Ring Ouzel was still feeding in Rowan along the Middlebere track and a Brambling was also there. From our Autumn Safari this AM we had a good mix of summer and winter birds with a juvenile Osprey fishing in the Wareham Channel and a flock of c100 Swallow feeding over Swineham Point, whilst there were 5 Red-breasted Merganser off the Brownsea western shore, 3 Marsh Harrier at Swineham and weirdly both White-tailed Eagles were seen bombing off fast over Poole Town centre, heading towards Tower Park, quite possibly in a territorial response to female White-tailed Eagle G818 being over towards the Bournemouth area. The Brownsea Lagoon held 44 Spoonbill, c200 Avocet, c40 Ringed Plover, 6 Greenshank and c100 Dunlin. The PCW Drain was still busy with Chiffchaff with c40 feeding along the channel plus 1 Firecrest and 3 Blackcap. At Lytchett Fields there were 3 Spotted Redshank plus 4 Redwing and the first dark-bellied Brent Geese of the year with 4 off of Rock Lea View.

Red-breasted Merganser – Central Harbour – Alison Copland

Osprey – Wareham Channel – Alison Copland

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Harbour Update – posted 14/10/24

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