
Harbour Update – posted 06/07/24

We were made aware of some interesting news today, that the Forster’s Tern which frequented the harbour back in the spring, and what was considered to be the same individual as last year has recently been re-found in NE Ireland at Soldiers Point, Dundalk. This confirmation was made by bird ID expert Killian Mullarney, who lives in Ireland by comparing photos of when the bird was with us in April and photos that were taken yesterday in Dundalk. This is a remarkable piece of identification, but lets hope it ventures it’s way south again soon, just like it did last year. Interestingly, in a strange twist of this story, a/the Forster’s Tern was reported off Shipstal Beach this evening, although the sighting wasn’t confirmed.

Elsewhere a Little Tern, 2 Spoonbill and a White-tailed Eagle were in/over Middlebere, a Marsh Harrier was at Holme Lane GP. The Wood Duck that was seen at Creekmoor Ponds a few years ago has reappeared, and seems to be going through a moult.

Comparison analysis of Ireland/Poole Harbour Forster’s Tern by Killian Mullarney

Little Tern – Middlebere – Mark Wright

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