
Harbour Update – posted 17/06/24

A near perfect June day, which finally saw the blasting SW wind fade away. Some late news from late last week of 2 Eider off Pilots’ Point, Studland, just off the training bank. There were 2 young Eider that over-summered in the harbour last year too, which spent time both just inside the harbour and out in Shell Bay, so it could feasibly be the same two? Today the first 6 Redshank of the autumn returned to the Brownsea Lagoon and there was ‘an arrival’ of Tufted Duck on Swineham GP with 11 there. Both White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel and male Osprey 022 made several fishing trips to the Wareham Channel. Over Hydes Heath a Hobby was hassling a Common Buzzard and there was another Hobby over Holmebridge. Young waders are growing fast with the Poole Quay Oystercatchers almost doubling in size over the last week.

Oystercatcher chick – Poole Quay Marina Wall – Alison Copland

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