
Harbour Update – posted 07/06/24

Things started of summery today, but ended like mid-autumn! A cold SW was whipping across the harbour by this afternoon/evening making it feel like a mid-October day. If it wasn’t for the big gathering of Swifts and hirundines over Swineham this evening then you wouldn’t have been able to tell it was June. The White-tailed Eagle pair were loafing about the edges of the Wareham Channel tonight, male Osprey 022 did two very quick catches with 20 minutes in Arne Bay and Oystercatcher hatched young on the north Brownsea shoreline. Woodlark were feeding young again viewed from the Osprey viewing platform at Carey Secret Garden and there were also 2 Spotted Flycatcher in the car park. Both Peregrines were on the Asda building for most of the day, often interacting and fighting over food.

Adult and juvenile Sandwich Terns – Brownsea Lagoon – Martin Adams

Common Tern – Brownsea Quay – Martin Adams

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