
Harbour Update – posted 24/05/24

Another day, another Osprey chick, this time an afternoon hatch, about 15:00. Sadly and frustratingly male 022 also brought in a large bit of plastic bale wrap this morning which has worked it’s way into the nest. It’s not caused a problem yet, but with two fresh chicks in the nest and two eggs still due to hatch, it’s not ideal having this material moving around the structure of the nest platform. All we can hope is that it works its way up to the sides of the nest over the next 24 hours, and blows away at some point. Fingers crossed! This morning there were c75 Swift at Swineham, both White-tailed Eagles were on Shag Looe Spit/Bar this morning and a Marsh HarrierĀ was at Swineham. On the Brownsea Lagoon 7 Turnstone were on the lagoon beach, a Spoonbill was on the lagoon and there were was a decent gull feeding flock off Baiter which had c400 Black-headed Gull, c300 Herring Gull and 2 2nd winter Yellow-legged GullĀ within the frenzy.

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