
Harbour Update – posted 08/04/24

More spring migrants are beginning to turn up with single Reed Warbler singing at both Swineham, River Frome and Lytchett Fields (whimbrel field). Also in Lytchett Bay was 1 Green Sandpiper in Pools Field. Plenty of migrant Osprey activity still throughout the harbour with two in the Middlebere Channel including ‘Beaky’ giving stunning views while catching another enormous sea bass. Another unringed Osprey was still in Morden Bog as well. 1 Spotted Redshank in the Middlebere Channel is starting to come into it’s summer plumage and the Forster’s Tern was still showing well on Shipstal Point.


Migrant Osprey ‘Beaky’ carrying off large sea bass – Middlebere Channel – Aidan Brown

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