
Harbour Update – posted 02/04/24

It was tale of two halves today, with glorious sunshine and some actual warmth during this morning, which then descended into something more familiar by the end of the day as wind a rain rolled on in. Thankfully our Spring Safari was during the sun and warmth and returned a good selection of birds including newly arrived White-tailed Eagle G644 in the Wareham Channel which highlighted perfectly that it was less than 1-years old as it failed spectacularly to land in a pine tree, falling through several branches before sorting her self out and finding a comfortable place to sit along the RSPB Arne shoreline. The Marsh Harrier’s were in fine voice, displaying and courting high above Swineham, demonstrating their spectacular Skydancing skills to the awe-inspired crowd. We also had the first 2 migrant Tree Pipit of the season fly past over Swineham and there were 2 House Martin over Swineham GP. There were still 3 Great Northern Diver on show stunning summer-plumaged Black-tailed Godwits continued to move up the Frome Valley, over the boat. Elsewhere there were 2 Osprey over Middlebere, both with fish, and one of which was ‘Beaky’ as she soon settled on the Middlebere nest platform. There was another Osprey at Morden Bog in the dead trees south of the pond, eating a fish. Another White-tailed Eagle flew in over Holes Bay this afternoon and then headed over Upton, this time it was an adult, and was likly our resident female G466 returning from the Isle of Wight having been on a day trip there yesterday. The Forster’s Tern was off Shipstal Beach this morning for about 30 minutes but couldn’t be relocated sadly later in the day.

Female Osprey ‘Beaky’ looking like how we all felt by the end of the day!

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