
Harbour Update – posted 23/03/24

A day of mixed weather, starting off feeling very spring-like this morning but the hail and rain certainly put a dampener on our Spring Safari Cruise this afternoon. Nevertheless, we had 4 distant sightings of White-tailed Eagle during the trip, which were determined to evade us. 2 White-tailed Eagle were also seen this morning high over Corfe at later over Poole Town. At least 2 Great Northern Diver were present in the Central Harbour this afternoon, as well as a third in the North Channel. The Long-tailed Duck was still present off Jerry’s Point throughout the Day, as well as 1 Slavonian Grebe and 1 Great Northern Diver. The spring arrivals are still pushing through with 1 Wheatear also at Jerry’s Point, and 175 Sand Martin gathering pre-roost at Swineham this evening. At least 2 Osprey were using the harbour today, with one catching a fish in Lytchett Bay during the early afternoon, and a second seen over Poole Town shortly after. Both Peregrines were seen again today moving between the Barclays and the Asda building in Poole Town. A Garganey was reported ‘at Wareham’ which was possibly at Swineham, but couldn’t be re-located, but there was a Willow Warbler at Swineham.

White-tailed Eagles – Poole Town – Daniel Nash (@DanielNash1987)



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