
Harbour Update – posted 06/03/24

A super fine day (compared to yesterday mornings dross) which saw the early morning frost thaw away by 9am, and a warm tone settle across the area. Pure bliss. This afternoons ‘Pop Up’ at Jerry’s Point provided a good range of species including 2 Black-necked Grebe, 4 Great Northern Diver, 2 Mediterranean Gulls, c10 Red-breasted Merganser, c20 Turnstone and 1 Sandwich Tern the highlights. In the PCW Drain there were about 10 Chiffchaff in full song and at the mouth of the channel the redhead Goosander was there again. In the glorious weather raptors were really conspicuous with Buzzard in full display mode at multiple sites across the area, the White-tailed Eagle pair were touring high above the harbour shorelines, 800m at times, before settling in Lytchett Bay this afternoon and several Red Kite passed through at Lytchett Fields, Middlebere and 2 over Ballard.

Perfect ‘Pop Up’ weather conditions at Jerry’s Point this afternoon

Redhead Goosander – Holes Bay NE – Martin Adams

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