
Harbour Update – posted 14/01/24

One of the highlights from a chilly Winter Safari Cruise this AM was a Peregrine hunting over the Swineham Gravel Pit, before eventually giving up it’s attempt at catching a Little Grebe. There were at least 5 Marsh Harrier active across the Swineham and Keysworth reedbeds, and a Scaup in amongst a group of 10 Red-breasted Merganser at the mouth of the Wareham Channel. The c.20 Spoonbill were roosting again near Ower Bay. Great Northern Diver numbers were high across the harbour, with at least 16 seen from our boat trip. There were 3 Black-necked Grebe in Bramble Bush Bay, and later this afternoon 2 Black-necked Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe and 3 Great Northern Diver were seen from Jerry’s Point. On the Brownsea Lagoon were numbers of c.400 Black-tailed Godwit, 800 Dunlin, 80 Avocet, 30 Bar-tailed Godwit, 30 Sanderling, 30 Ringed Plover, 60 Redshank and 2 Greenshank. It was a good raptor morning from Coombe Heath with 4 Marsh Harrier, 2 Hen Harrier and 1 Peregrine reported. 14 Cattle Egret were also reported in the farm fields at Worgret, viewed from the Bog Lane SANG. The Black-throated Diver was in Holes Bay again this afternoon, seen near the railway embankment before flying south, and interestingly one was reported dropping into Studland Bay this evening – perhaps the same bird?

Male Hen Harrier – Middlebere Channel from Coombe Heath – Kate Plater


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