
Harbour Update – posted 08/09/23

So, so hot still! It seems the Osprey’s might think they’re already in Africa as they seem quite happy staying put, despite perfect migrating conditions. There were a minimum of 4 today spread between Lytchett Bay, the Wareham Channel and Middlebere. A White-tailed Eagle was over Coombe Heath and was later seen in the Wareham Channel and this morning 4 Great White Egret flew over Coombe Heath. This morning a Cattle Egret was at Lytchett Fields and this evening 7 flew down the Frome Valley. In Middlebere there was 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 5 Spotted Redshank, 13 Knot and 1 Ringed Plover. There was also a Curlew Sandpiper on the Brownsea Lagoon.

Swallows gathering on hedgerows in Middlebere

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