
Harbour Update – posted 27/08/23

Species interactions were the order of the day on today’s Osprey Cruises. On the morning trip we were privileged to see the two White-tailed Eagles cooperatively hunting, diving successively in an attempt to exhaust and catch a single Cormorant on the Holton Shore. Then in the afternoon we arrived in the top of the Wareham Channel to find one of the White-tailed Eagles being dive bombed by an Osprey as it attempted to gain height and circle over the harbour! Shortly afterwards the Osprey got a taste of its own medicine though, when it was trying to carry off a freshly caught fish and was heavily bombarded by a Hobby! Other highlights were a single Ruff on the Stilt Pools at Swineham and 2 Wood Sandpiper on Arne Moors, plus 32 Spoonbill, 5 Avocet and 3 Wheatear on Brownsea Lagoon. The Forster’s Tern was once again reported at Shipstal, and at Lytchett Fields there was 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Wheatear and 6 Yellow Wagtail.

White-tailed Eagles, Little Egret and Common Seals – Shag Looe, Wareham Channel – Derek Bell

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