
Harbour Update – posted 18/08/23

Despite todays murky, dank conditions, our Osprey Cruises got off to a flying start with female Osprey CJ7 giving great views from this mornings boat and 022 giving a nice close hunting display from this afternoons. The wind and low cloud made things tricky, but additional sightings included a juvenile Cuckoo flying over the boat and Wareham Channel heading towards Lytchett Bay, another migrant Osprey caught a fish and settled on Arne before being dive bombed by 3 Hobby. In the mouth of the Frome 2 different Marsh Harrier were active with a juvenile female and an adult female. On the Brownsea Lagoon 28 Spoonbill were roosting and there were c50 Dunlin, c30 Ringed Plover, also 3 Common Sandpiper, 1 Wheatear and 3 Whimbrel. The Forster’s Tern was seen at Arne again, a different Osprey was in Middlebere,

Female Osprey CJ7 – Osprey Cruise this AM – David Dunn

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