
Harbour Update – posted 26/07/23

Things started off promising, but by late afternoon the day had finished off as a damp squib! That said, the Forster’s Tern was once again seen off Shipstal Beach, RSPB Arne this morning, and there was a nice record of a Great White Egret in Holes Bay NE. At Lytchett Fields there was a Whimbrel and the first decent pulse of Sedge Warblers with around 15 in scrub around the fields. Female Osprey CJ7 went fishing in the Wareham Channel again this afternoon, so any Osprey sightings in that area from now on could either be 022 or CJ7. Although with Osprey migration due to start any day now, sightings of multiple Osprey aren’t far away. There are good numbers of hirundines on the wing now with lots of juveniles in the various flocks. Over the Piddle Valley today c400 Sand Martin, Swallow and House Martin fed over the floodplain which drew in a Hobby. In Middlebere there were 5 Spoonbill.

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