
Harbour Update – posted 09/06/23

It was a real scorcher today, but our Osprey viewing sessions were well rewarded with 2 Hobby, 1 Red Kite, 1 Goshawk, 1 Peregrine (2 Osprey), 3 Woodlark and a small party of Crossbill over the Piddle Valley during the course of the day. There was another Red Kite over Lytchett Bay and today (we think) only 1 juvenile Peregrine at Barclays was seen all day? There was no sign of our newly arrived male Osprey 374, but to be honest he could easily have left as quickly as he arrived with two year olds never often staying in one place for too long! He’ll be back soon no doubt.

Another cracking shot of male Osprey 374 yesterday – Morden Bog – Aidan Brown

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