
Harbour Update – posted 08/06/23

Brilliant news today – our 2021 translocated male Osprey 374 was photographed this morning over Morden Bog, just a stone’s throw away from the nesting pair. He was first reported in Wiltshire back in mid-May, having returned from his migration for the first time and we were keeping our hopes high that he would make his way to the Poole Harbour area. He was likely the Osprey reported from over Arne today, with another Osprey also seen in Lytchett Bay this morning. At Lytchett Heath, 1 Hobby was reported hunting, as well as several recently fledged Dartford Warbler. 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen being mobbed by an Osprey over Carey near Wareham in the early afternoon, which later drifted near the Osprey nest site, where another Hobby was also reported. Our Slepe Heath Nightjar walk this evening returned the goods with great views of 7+ Nightjar (none of which ate each other) along with a singing Cuckoo and 2 Dartford Warbler.

Osprey 374 – Morden Bog – Aidan Brown

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