
Harbour Update – posted 19/04/23

The atmosphere for our Spring Safari Cruise was set this morning with the continuous movement of Swallow low over the harbour as we made our way up the Wareham Channel. The sounds of Mediterranean Gull were hard to miss as they cut through the thousands of Black-headed Gull now active over the Gull islands in the channel, along with 5+ Sandwich Tern using the area to feed. There were 2 Marsh Harrier were active near Swineham, and the high water on the scrapes attracted a lone Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, along with 1 Barnacle Goose amongst the 3 Egyptian Geese present. Brownsea Lagoon provided views of 5 Spoonbill, 50 Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Bar-tailed Godwit and 20 Avocet, with numbers of Sandwich and Common Tern continuing to rise. Today’s list of spring migrants also featured 1 Wheatear moving the sea wall of the lagoon and the first local Whinchat of the year reported from the Hyde’s Heath trail at RSPB Arne today. This afternoon, 1 White-tailed Eagle and 1 Red Kite were also seen from Morden Bog.

Spoonbills – Brownsea Lagoon – Alison Copland

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