
Harbour Update – posted 02/04/23

Early April is such an exciting time. It has the feeling that the floodgates could open at any moment. There were a few hints of this today with a male Pied Flycatcher at Middlebere this afternoon and a Hoopoe just outside our recording area at Harman’s Cross. At the PCW Drain 2 Willow Warbler were singing, on Brownsea the first 2 Common Tern of the spring were settled with Sandwich Tern and at Swineham there was 1 House Martin, 5 Swallow and c30 Sand Martin. A hint of winter was had along the southern shore with a Barnacle Goose tagging along with a small Canada Goose flock near Newton Bay and a Great Northern Diver was off Jerry’s Point. In Lytchett Bay 5 Cattle Egret appeared late afternoon. Our Spring Safari Cruise this AM really delivered the goods with a low flying unringed Osprey flying straight over the boat and the White-tailed Eagle pair G466 and G463 sat on the edge of the saltmarsh at Swineham, giving what was probably our best ever views of these incredible and epic birds… you’ll see below of the photos taken by local birder Mark Wright. Just wow!

White-tailed Eagle pair male G463 (left) and female G466 (right) from our Spring Safari this AMĀ 

Unringed Osprey from our Spring Safari this AM – Wareham Channel

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