
Harbour Update – posted 07/03/23

No snow fall today, just some very wet sleet around lunchtime, although tonight could produce some of the white stuff, with a few flurries into the morning. I think we all know what that really means though……cold rain! Despite the cold today, it was blissfully still and the harbour was like a millpond, especially after lunchtime. In Middlebere 3 Spoonbill were feeding, a Spotted Redshank flew over and a Marsh Harrier passed the hide. At Lytchett Fields 2 Water Pipit were in the approach fields with 5 Green Sandpiper. In Wareham the 2 Cattle Egret were in the in the cattle field again opposite the Worgret Manor Hotel. We’ve also been super busy today with a couple of exciting pieces of work which we’ll hopefully be able to announce later in the week. We still have some tweaking to do, but keep an eye on our sightings page and social media for updates.

Dark-bellied Brent Geese – Middlebere 

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