
Harbour Update – posted 17/02/23

The building breeze made watching open areas of the harbour tricky today, but it was good to see a Great Northern Diver in Shell Bay seeing as numbers had dropped off in recent weeks. There were also 3 Black-necked Grebe in Shell Bay with another 5+ in Studland Bay along with 1 female Common Scoter. Brands Bay was full of Pintail again, and 2 Peregrine were actively hunting the c300 Black-tailed Godwit, c100 Dunlin and 20 Grey Plover that were also in the bay. There were 2 White-tailed Eagle seen around the Arne peninsular, 2 Marsh Harrier were at Swineham and a ringtail Hen Harrier was at Middlebere. There was also an odd report of a female Ring Ouzel in Poole Town near Tower Park. They can/do very rarely over-winter, so it’s not impossible, but it’s a tad too early for it to be an early spring migrant.

Reed Bunting and Greenfinch – Lytchett ‘Rock Lea’ view Feeders

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