
Harbour Update – posted 25/01/23

There was an atmospheric start to the morning with a thick frost and fog, with the low tide at Holes Bay offering an early feeding opportunity for c70 Avocet, amongst the Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatcher and Wigeon. Early birding from Baiter saw a count of 41 Black-tailed Godwit and a single Greenshank present. Lytchett Fields was busy today, with 88 Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpiper and 50+ Snipe feeding, as well as Water Pipit ringed “1K” recorded again in the Approach Field. A nice sighting of a drake Pochard also seen in flight over Lytchett Bay, headed towards the fields. 5 Woodlark were seen at Bog Lane this morning, and 1 Siberian Chiffchaff was reported at the Sewage Works near Corfe Castle. Within the harbour, 1 Velvet Scoter was present again in South Deep. Just outside of the the harbour, 2 Slavonian Grebe were reported in Shell Bay off Pilots Point. Finally, 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen over Morden Bog this morning.

Water Pipit “1K” – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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