Poole Harbour sightings blog

A record of all interesting and notable sightings from around the harbour throughout the year.

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Archive for July, 2024

Harbour Update – posted 21/07/24

Posted on: July 21st, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

It was nice to be back to something more mild and dry, rather than damp and cold, and with it, lots of nice sightings from across the area. Starting chronologically, early this AM at Lytchett Fields 12 Greenshank was a season high for this year, also there were 75 Redshank, 14 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Common Sandpiper, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Curlew and c40 Lapwing. Also a morning watch at Brands Bay provided 84 Curlew, 5 Whimbrel, 32 Black-tailed Godwit, 61 Redshank, 2 Dunlin, 23 Med Gulls and 2 Common Gull. At Middlebere 2 Spoonbill remained plus there were still 5 Spotted Redshank and a Great White Egret there. At Swineham a Marsh Harrier was seen along with 4 Bearded Tit and 3 Whimbrel. From Rock Lea View, Lytchett Bay this afternoon one of the White-tailed Eagles was seen flying, a Hobby went over and a few Whimbrel were in the Bay. Male Osprey 022 was really out and about today being seen fishing in Middlebere several times during the day, as well as from our Sunset Safari Cruise this evening where CJ7 was also seen heading back up the Piddle Valley with a fish, plus, what we think was ‘new’ female Osprey ‘1H1’ getting chased by a Peregrine over the RSPB Arne shoreline. Plus, we think she was back at the nest site again this afternoon as CJ7 and 022 defended the nest for about 45 minutes from an intruding Osprey. Also from the cruise were plenty of Common Sandpiper on the north Brownsea shoreline, c200 Black-tailed Godwit in the Wareham Channel, c80 Dunlin plus an arrival of 40+ Turnstone. On the Stilt Pools at Swineham 3 adult Yellow-legged Gulls were still loafing about. Finally, our fourth and final Osprey chick ‘5H6’ (semi) fledged today, leaving the nest empty for a period of time, the first time it’s been empty since late March!! It didn’t take long for food to be delivered and there was soon a busy scene again as frantic feeding took place, but over the next few days we expect ‘5H6’ to fledge properly, and we’ll begin to see less and less of them on screen as they start taking fish to nearby trees instead of eating on the nest…..Sad times!!

Man about town – Male Osprey on parental fishing trip, Middlebere – Mark Wright

(Same) Man about town – Male Osprey on parental fishing trip, Middlebere – @twamers (Twitter)

Harbour Update – posted 20/07/24

Posted on: July 20th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A rather dreary day compared to yesterday, which made viewing almost impossible at times. Is summer already over? Of course….the school summer holidays started today! Always a sure fire sign rain will engulf the country. That said, a better forecast is predicted for tomorrow, so lets hope for an improvement. Sightings today included on the Brownsea Lagoon ten species of wader: multiple Oystercatcher, 3 Avocet , 2 Grey Plover, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 70+ Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 13+ Turnstone, 57 Dunlin & a couple of Common Sandpiper. In Middlebere this morning male Osprey 022 was eating a fish on the Middlebere nest platform, and there were 3 Green Sandpiper, 5 Spotted Redshank and 3 Spoonbill. Brands Bay also saw a single Green Sandpiper along with 61 Curlew, 6 Whimbrel, 54 Redshank, 28 Black-tailed Godwit and 8 Dunlin.

Green Sandpiper – Middlebere – James Leaver 

Harbour Update – posted 19/07/24

Posted on: July 19th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Super sweltering today which saw more Osprey excitement and a potential mystery solved. Earlier in the week our new male ‘374’ returned to the harbour, and was joined by an unidentified ringed female. We weren’t able to read the ring on Wednesday of the new arrival, but since then, a mystery Osprey has been hassling our pair at the nest site, and at around midday our Osprey engagement officer, Mya, got a great photo as the mystery bird flew over our viewing platform, revealing leg ring number ‘1H1’. This is  a 2022 Rutland born female who actually visited us about a month for the first time. Is this who was with ‘374’ on the nest platform on Wednesday? He himself then appeared this afternoon in Middlebere, and although he didn’t appear on any nest platforms, it’s great to hear he’s come back! All eye’s to the sky’s this weekend and lets hope they encounter each other again and find a nest platform to settle on. Also this evening there were 5 Spotted Redshank in Middlebere.

2022 born Rutland female Osprey ‘1H1’ causing mischief at the nest site


Harbour Update – posted 18/07/24

Posted on: July 18th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

After yesterdays excitement, it was all quiet on the western front toady, with no re-sightings of the new Osprey pair anywhere in the harbour. However, this afternoon, an intruding Osprey appeared at the nest site and spent the late afternoon and early evening pestering CJ7 and the family, which resulted in several quite incredible aerial battles, before the new arrival was soon seen off. We’re not sure who the intruding individual was, but hopefully it will visit another nest platform over the coming days. Elsewhere the White-tailed Eagle pair were in the  Wareham Channel area all day, a Hobby was calling at dusk near Slepe Heath and there were a minimum of 8 Nightjar tonight during over Nightjar walk. The first migrant Garden Warbler was ringed at Carey Secret garden this AM with another juvenile Sedge Warbler.

Whimbrel – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Harbour Update – posted 17/07/24

Posted on: July 17th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A really interesting day today in many regards. Firstly, a Wigeon appeared out of nowhere in Holes Bay NE this morning, which is over a month earlier than the ‘normal’ first returning individuals, which don’t normally appear until the last week of August. Perhaps this is a wandering over-summering individual, or perhaps breeding success has been so poor in northern Europe this year that birds are already beginning to arrive back??!! Our Summer Safari Cruise this AM was a busy raptor-fest with a fly over Osprey in the Wareham Channel (more on that later), 2 White-tailed Eagles, 1 Marsh Harrier over Swineham, 3 Hobby (2 Arne Moors, 1 Swineham), 1 Peregrine, a few soaring Buzzard and 2 Kestrel. Not a bad haul! The Brownsea Lagoon held 3 Avocet, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Grey Plover , 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Curlew, 4 Greenshank, 16 Turnstone, 21 Dunlin and 2 Common Sandpiper. A new ringing site at Carey Secret Garden has just started operating and this morning the team there caught the first autumn migrant Sedge Warbler of the year and the first migrant juv Willow Warbler of the autumn.

Then, this afternoon, we received some photos from one of our trail cameras on another harbour nest platform of an Osprey eating a fish. Our resident male 022 has been using various platforms over the last few weeks, so we assumed it was likely to be him. However, when we recived the HD images we were thrilled to see it was our ‘missing’ three-year old male 374! He was last seen in the harbour about 3 months ago, and had only been sighted a few times in Hampshire since, so his whereabouts has been quite a mystery. Then, to our shock, an hour later we recived another photo of not 1 but 2 Ospreys on the nest, one which was definitely 374, the other which was an unidentified ringed female! Frustratingly, the HD image didn’t allow us to read the ring number, and we weren’t able to ID her, which is a real shame. Hopefully they’ll come back to the platform again tomorrow and we’ll get a positive ID on who this new arrival is.

There is an extra element to this story. We also caught our resident male 022 on the same nest cam, giving new kid on the block ‘374’ a hard time, which may account for why ‘374’ hasn’t stuck around this spring and summer. We hope that because there’s a new female on the scene, it may give 374 more cause to stay around and hold his ground. Or….will he/they just disappear again in the blink of an eye, just like he did earlier in the spring? This evening there was also a report of an Osprey flying off north over Nuffield in Poole, heading over Canford Heath……was this 374 leaving again? We’ll just have to wait and see. Regardless, this is another exciting development of the Poole Harbour Osprey saga!!!

Male Osprey 374 arriving back earlier this afternoon

Male Osprey 374 being joined by a mystery female about an hour after arrival

Resident male 022 coming and sticking his beak in where it’s not wanted and seeing off the ‘new pair’

Early returning Wigeon – Holes Bay – Tony Furnell

Harbour Update – posted 16/07/24

Posted on: July 16th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Lovely reports at RSPB Arne today, with 1 White-tailed Eagle reported in the morning, 2 Spoonbill and 6 Spotted Redshank seen on the low tide from Coombe Heath, as well as a Meadow Pipit feeding a juvenile Cuckoo! A Peregrine was seen perched on the distant shoreline of Lytchett Bay, as well as an adult Mediterranean Gull with 3 juveniles, 2 Whimbrel, 14 Redshank, 10 Greenshank, 22 Curlew and 39 Black-tailed Godwit reported from the Rock Lea Viewpoint. On Brownsea Lagoon, 3 Avocet and 30 Redshank were reported.

Spoonbill – Middlebere Channel from Coombe Heath – Barbara Bisset

Harbour Update – posted 15/07/24

Posted on: July 15th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A wet day in the harbour meaning sightings are limited, but hopefully the downpours will cause some  early migrants to stop-off in the harbour, after the nice weather clearouts recently. 1 Little Ringed Plover was in Lytchett Fields along with 3 Greenshank, 1 Common Snipe, 1 Common Sandpiper and 2 Mediterranean Gull. In Bramble Bush Bay there were 4 Common Sandpiper and 2 Whimbrel and in Brands Bay 46 Curlew, 18 Redshank, 7 Dunlin, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, a brood of 5 Shelduck, and a/the summering Little Tern. In Middlebere this evening 5 Spotted Redshank were present in various stages of moult, plus 3 Spoonbill and 1 Common Sandpiper. An early returning Kingfisher was back in the PCW Drain this morning along with 6 moulting Teal. The White-tailed Eagle pair remained in the Wareham Channel area all day and male Osprey 022 was seen fishing twice off Hyde’s Heath, RSPB Arne.

Osprey chick 5R2 has now also properly fledged joining sibling 5R0 this morning. All chicks have been returning well to the nest for fish throughout the day in the wet weather.

Spotted Redshanks in the gloom and rain – Middlebere – Garry Hayman

Harbour Update – posted 14/07/24

Posted on: July 14th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

We have a fledging……well, one and a half fledglings! This morning at 10:08am, our eldest Osprey chick ‘5R0’ took flight for the first time. It had been building for a couple of days, but with no pre-warning, he just upped and left this morning, and flew to a near by tree. Then, just over an hour later at 11:14am, sibling ‘5H2’ also took to the air, but only made it as far as the perch thats above the main camera. Within an hour all 4 were back on the nest when a fish was delivered, but now that both have left the nest for a period of time, their courage and desire to spend time on the wing will grow each day, and we’ll start to see less and less of them on the nest. This coming week will probably see all 4 fledge, and the comings and goings to the nest will mainly be to sleep and to get fed. We won’t celebrate a successful season just yet as there’s stilla lot that could happen between now, and late August/early September which is when the youngsters are likely to leave, but today definitely heralds a significant milestone in this years story…..so keep watching the webcam this week for more exciting instalments!

Our Summer Safari this AM was busy too with 2 different Osprey, one that had a fish and drifted off high towards Middlebere, then male 022 caught a fish in the Wareham Channel and headed back to the nest. Both White-tailed Eagles were being really boring and just sat in a tree on the edge of the RSPB Arne shoreline for 3 hours! Still great to see though. A Peregrine was checking out the scrapes at Swineham, and then a Goshawk was being seen off by a Hobby over Hyde’s Heath. A Little Ringed Plover was on the Stilt Pools at Swineham and Brownsea held 5 Turnstone, 3 Dunlin, c40 Common Redshank, 1 Greenshank, c80 Sandwich Terns and c40 Common Terns. A juvenile Common Redstart was found in the west of the harbour suggesting relatively local fledging.

Osprey chick 5R0 fledging this morning


Harbour Update – posted 13/07/24

Posted on: July 14th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Sorry for the late post this evening, we’ve been out ‘Nightjaring’ on Canford Heath this evening with Dorset Nightjar Study Group where 2 juvenile Nightjar were caught as part of their study. Sightings from across the harbour today included 6 Spotted Redshank, 3 Spoonbill, 2 Whimbrel 1 Osprey (male 022) and 1 Cuckoo in Middlebere. At Lytchett Bay the first 3 Avocet of the autumn were feeding, perhaps the same 3 that were on Brownsea yesterday? The White-tailed Eagle pair were seen off Ham Common viewpoint, out in the Wareham Channel and a Red Kite was over Ridge. Over Wareham High Street 26 screaming Swift were bombing up and down again, soon to depart!

Common Cuckoo – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Harbour update – posted 12/07/24

Posted on: July 12th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

There was still no fledging today by any of our Osprey chicks, despite several ‘fake’ lift off’s, as they took it in turns to hover just out of view on the webcam before settling back down again. Surely one will have fledged by the time the weekend is out? Around the harbour is was much of the same, with 9 Greenshank on Lytchett Fields and 2 on the Brownsea Lagoon where there was also 5 Dunlin and 3 Avocet, including what looked to be a newly arrived juv from elsewhere? A Marsh Harrier was quartering over Swineham, both White-tailed Eagles upped and left the Wareham Channel about 11am, heading off high SW. Many Sandwich and Common Tern families are still commuting up and down the Brownsea shorelines as the youngsters build in confidence, and parents lead them out exploring new areas. Swift families/colonies seem to be quite active now with c50 over Rockley Road in Hamworthy, c25 up and down Wareham Town Centre and 21 over Upper Parkstone. There have been between 3-5 Spoonbill in Middlebere the last few days and a Great White Egret was over RSPB Arne Moors.

Spoonbill – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Common Swift – Middlebere – Mark Wright


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