Poole Harbour sightings blog

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Archive for June, 2024

Harbour Update – posted 20/06/24

Posted on: June 21st, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A few nice bits and pieces today including a Roseate Tern on the Brownsea Lagoon this morning and 3 Spoonbill were in Middlebere. A Hobby and an Osprey were over Hydes Heath, RSPB Arne and on Slepe Heath for our Nightjar walk we managed to log 8+ Nightjar, 1 Cuckoo, 4 Dartford Warbler and 4 Glow Worm. With news that the first Spotted Redshanks and Wood Sandpipers of the autumn have already been logged heading south on the east coast, it’s worth keeping an eye on traditional hot spots like Middlebere, Brownsea Lagoon and Lytchett Fields for jet black summer plumaged ‘Spot-Shanks’ which often tend to appear in Poole Harbour towards the latter part of June. A Goshawk was also seen carrying prey, and although nesting locations are never disclosed, it won’t be long before you should keep an eye out for dispersing juveniles as they start honing their hunting skills around the harbour during July and August.

Goshawk with prey getting harassed by Carrion Crow – Mark Wright


Harbour Update – posted 19/06/24

Posted on: June 19th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Another day, another early returner, this time in the shape of a Common Sandpiper on the Brownsea North Shore. It was also good to receive news of a Little Ringed Plover Family (2 adults and 2 juvs) in the western reaches of the harbour, indicating successful breeding. This morning a Little Tern was on the Brownsea Lagoon along with 32 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Common Redshank and 5 Turnstone. A Hobby was over Carey Secret Garden, and we also had 2 over our Summer Safari Cruise this AM, a Cuckoo was on Hartland, female White-tailed Eagle G466 was in the Wareham Channel as was male Osprey 022 doing numerous fishing trips, although he didn’t manage to surpass his day record of 10 fish we he managed to deliver to the nest yesterday. We’re also now just beginning to see the very first newly fledged Black-headed Gulls departing from the gull islands and foraging on the low tides. A (migrant?) Marsh Harrier was over Lytchett Bay and the Eider that were reported a few days ago near the chain ferry, in Shell Bay were also seen the following day, but not today as far as we know.

Harbour Update – posted 18/06/24

Posted on: June 18th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

With settled weather now upon us, it was good to see some new arrivals today including a new colour-ringed Osprey, ring number 1H1 which settled on the Middlebere nest platform this afternoon. With a few quick phone calls we were able to trace this individual down as being a 2022 fledged female from the Manton Bay nest at Rutland Water. This is her first summer back in the UK and is likely to be touring around the country like all 2-year old Ospreys do, although should our 3-year old male ‘374’ suddenly make an appearance then things could get interesting. There was also an ‘intruder’ Osprey at the nest site this morning which could have been 1H1, or perhaps a different arrival? This afternoon there was a spectacular 3-way battle high above the Wareham Channel with a Common Buzzard and Osprey (male 022) tag teaming against one of the White-tailed Eagles before they all then lost interest and went their separate ways. There was also an Osprey fishing in Lytchett Bay this afternoon. Numbers of returning Curlew are starting to build with 17 out in the mouth of the Frome this afternoon, off Giggers Island. A Red Kite was high above Wareham.

Harbour Update – posted 17/06/24

Posted on: June 17th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

A near perfect June day, which finally saw the blasting SW wind fade away. Some late news from late last week of 2 Eider off Pilots’ Point, Studland, just off the training bank. There were 2 young Eider that over-summered in the harbour last year too, which spent time both just inside the harbour and out in Shell Bay, so it could feasibly be the same two? Today the first 6 Redshank of the autumn returned to the Brownsea Lagoon and there was ‘an arrival’ of Tufted Duck on Swineham GP with 11 there. Both White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel and male Osprey 022 made several fishing trips to the Wareham Channel. Over Hydes Heath a Hobby was hassling a Common Buzzard and there was another Hobby over Holmebridge. Young waders are growing fast with the Poole Quay Oystercatchers almost doubling in size over the last week.

Oystercatcher chick – Poole Quay Marina Wall – Alison Copland

Harbour Update – posted 16/06/24

Posted on: June 16th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The unseasonal Red-throated Diver was seen in Shell Bay again this morning, along with a late arriving (or possibly early returning?) male Wheatear on the beach. Hobby were active around both Arne and the Piddle Valley, and a Cuckoo was heard calling in Wareham Forest. In Lytchett Bay this morning 2 Great White Egret were also present and off Pilots Point, Studland 2 Eider were photographed near the training bank.

Harbour Update – posted 15/06/24

Posted on: June 16th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Wow…we’re already half way through June, meaning autumn migration will soon be picking up as the first juv Little Ringed Plovers will start appearing soon and numbers of Green Sandpipers will increase and start passing through. We’ve already begun seeing the first roving Long-tailed Tit flocks moving about which contained the first juv Chiffchaffs of the year, and give it another 2-3 weeks, the flocks will also start containing fresh lemon yellow, juvenile Willow Warblers. It felt far from summery today though as strong SW winds whipped across the area and frequent rain showers still made it feel like mid-October rather than mid-June, but it got a few seabirds moving with a few Manx Shearwater logged off Old Harry and a small passage of terns (failed breeders?) heading west out at sea. There was an unusual June record of an Avocet in Lytchett Bay and the White-tailed Eagle pair were still just chilling out in the Wareham Channel area for most of the day with male Osprey 022 seen in Lytchett Bay and the Wareham Channel during numerous fishing trips.

Sandwich Tern – Brands Bay – Mark Wright

Harbour Update – posted 14/06/24

Posted on: June 14th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

With yesterday feeling like late October, it was a welcome relief to see a bit of sun today, but it’s still really chilly. As a result, we’re hearing from various friends, partners etc of potential impacts this cold weather is having on breeding birds. Nightjar seem to be quite inactive currently and with very few moths being caught and logged in moth traps, is there currently enough food out there for them and to feed themselves and their recently hatched young? Also, there seems to be a lack of Swifts at traditional sites, like Wareham and Upper Parkstone. Again, for a species that eats aerial plankton (small flying invertebrates), which traditionally emerges during warmer temperatures, then are Swifts simply finding it too hard to find a plentiful food supply? Time will tell, but all we can hope is that summer kicks in some time soon…..for everyones benefit!

It was quite for news, but a Little Ringed Plover was on the Stilt Pools again, male Osprey 022 was hunting in Lytchett Bay this afternoon, both White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel, a Hobby was over the Wareham bypass bridge and a Red Kite was over the Osprey nest at Carey Secret Garden.

Harbour Update – posted 13/06/24

Posted on: June 13th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

The rain rolling in this afternoon meant sightings were limited today but wader numbers are starting to creep up with 16 Curlew and 31 Bar-tailed Godwit in Brands Bay. The resident White-tailed Eagle pair were in the Wareham Channel again. We’ve had some really nice close-ups of the Ospreys over the last few days. They’ve been feeding extremely well as you can see below and on the webcams and they’re all starting to develop their feathers.

The two largest chicks on the Osprey Nest receiving food yesterday


Harbour Update – posted 12/06/24

Posted on: June 12th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Our Summer Safari Cruise this morning gave views of Osprey 022 hunting in the Wareham Channel, as well as female White-tailed Eagle G466. 1 Spoonbill was present on Brownsea Lagoon early this morning, as well as 3 Avocet and 30 Bar-tailed Godwit also reported from the lagoon. The unseasonal Red-throated Diver was still present in Studland Bay today. 1 Hobby was active over Careys Secret Garden this afternoon.

Red-throated Diver – Studland Bay – Aidan Brown (@aidanjb118 on Twitter)


Harbour Update – posted 11/06/24

Posted on: June 11th, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

Star bird of the day goes to a very unseasonal Red-throated Diver off Studland beach, a great June record! The 2 White-tailed Eagles were in the Wareham Channel again from our Summer Safari Cruise this morning. There were 32 Bar-tailed Godwit in Brands Bay on the rising tide along with 2 Dunlin. Impressive numbers of Swift over Sunnyside/Swineham area with over 200+ counted this morning.

Red-throated Diver – Studland Beach – Aidan Brown on X


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