Poole Harbour sightings blog

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Archive for May, 2024

Harbour Update – posted 01/05/24

Posted on: May 1st, 2024 by Birds of Poole Harbour

We’re officially into May and it’s starting to warm up ever so slightly with some mild and calm conditions in the harbour today. Another stunning Spring Safari this morning with White-tailed Eagle G466 in the Wareham Channel again providing a close flyby. We also had 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Hobby, 4 Whimbrel, and 2 Wood Sandpiper off Swineham Point as well as the presumed escapee 1 Bar-headed Goose. Plenty of action on the Brownsea Lagoon with 24 Knot, 20 Bar-tailed Godwit, 10 Sanderling, 1 Greenshank, 7 Avocet and 1 Little Gull. The 1 Bonaparte’s Gull in the Lower Piddle Valley, north of Swineham, was still showing along with the 1 Little Gull and 2 Little Ringed Plover. There where 5 Greenshank and 1 Whimbrel from the Rock Lea View in Lytchett Bay and 1 Whimbrel in Holes Bay NW. 1 Great Northern Diver was still lingering in to May in the mouth of the harbour.

Tree Pipit – Rempstone Forest – Rob Johnson on Twitter


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